Accepting Love - Part 4
Change What You Can And Want To
From the relative, it would be ethical to change something if you can, and want to and it is your place to do so.
This all points to the importance of changing oneself first, before trying to change the world. This change is the total and absolute acceptance of reality, the love of all that is. Otherwise you will go at the world with rejection and denial of yourself and the world, with anger, and lacking love, but believing the opposite.
So if you don’t reject, but rather accept something which you could possibly change. See if you want to change it, and feel it’s your place and responsibility to do so. If this is the mission for you, go for it, try to change it. But beware that this choice is now in the realm of Ethics. When you endeavor to change something, then you enter the realm of ethics, or you invoke ethical responsibility.
Ethics is in your hands, you are responsible for ethical action, but you cannot know what is right and wrong on your own. You have to extend yourself beyond the boundaries of your self involvement. This is where there is a necessary relationship with the divine, which is one of the names used for the Absolute Reality. This relationship is the trinity, three that are one, dancing.
Regarding change, if on the other hand you cannot change what you want to change, or it’s not your place, sit in the marvel of the beauty of the experience of this horrible thing, the love for it. Often people close to us make choices we see as not in their best interest, and they do not want our feedback. And in some of these cases we must respect their freedom to make bad choices.
As an example of something you cannot change, contemplate murdered children in the past wars. The beauty is in the love for the lives of these dead children, the love for the precious short lives, the love of the open heart grieving their pains, the love of the broken heart extending to embrace, hold and comfort whatever part of their souls a bleeding open heart can still access.
The beauty is in the love and beauty of the righteous indignation towards the ignorance and stupidity of those who inflicted the pain. The love for the sick and closed hearts of the people who inflicted this pain, the love for the possible remorse and deep grief that these people could have suffered for their terrible actions. The love and beauty of the consequences these people could have suffered, for the rest of their possibly multiple lives.
If you think you can change it, do something, and if it doesn’t work, repeat this process. It’s always now. It didn’t work, you don’t like the outcome, love it, fully, accept it, then change that if you want to and possibly can.
From this place of reality we don’t change things we don’t like, we create and co-create a reality from the mystery that is love. Constantly now, this is a choice.
Change is not something that we can choose to do or not, it is an essential aspect of the universe and it will happen with or without you. So realize that what you are is also changeless, the absolute, and from there you can participate in directing that which does change, the relative.
This clarification serves to pierce through the veil that we use to pull away from reality, allowing us to live more fully our embodied humanity.
One could say that at the end of the road, the relative is the absolute. But first you have to see the relative for what it is, and it is not what it appears to be!
“We are entrapped, and for that reason we suffer, and for that reason we have longings, we are enclosed in the second universe, which is a universe of our own construction. That one should not be accepted.
There is a teaching of Gautama Siddhartha, which for me is the most essential, which says: “neti neti”. Basically it is: “neither this nor that”.
As soon as I begin to not accept the second universe, this is an act of faith: believe me it is the one you inhabit, when I begin to not accept it, the possibility of the second universe opens up.”