Accepting Love - Part 3

Loving the Horrible

We reject what is horrible because it’s painful. Loving even the most horrible, touches on Christ Consciousness.

It is not easy to imagine a more terrible fate than Christ’s, one way would be for him to first see his loved ones being tortured to death and then what actually happened: to be betrayed by his best friend, rejected by others, then crucifixion.

Through understanding, there can be a discerning, a separation between the sensation of pain and the interpretation of it as pain, whether physical, emotional or spiritual pain.

In a sense, pain can be transmuted into love, but the pain itself is not transmuted. It is really the perception and the interpretation of it that is transformed.

Pain is a flavor of love that when too intense can bring up fear, so this intense love mixed with fear is interpreted as pain. If you dissolve the fear by abandoning the resistance, then the pain is seen as what it is, an intense form of love.

Transmutation is letting the pain change us, facing it raises our ability to accept it.
By accepting it fully, we drop the fear which veils the love hidden in the pain.

This change happens depending on whether we’re gripped by fear, fear of the pain. If we don’t fear the pain, or more precisely if we don’t fear the fear of pain, a veil lifts and we see pain as a form of love. Until you experience this you can either keep avoiding it or experiment with it. Experiment with the acceptance of the pain that life naturally brings, do not experiment with creating pain intentionally. There are infinite positive ways to face pain, even just working out, facing challenges, etc. There are many forms of discomfort or pain that life brings and we avoid.

As we stop needing to reject pain, the interpretation falls and we can touch it directly, without judgment. This doesn’t mean we don’t act to change something, if we can and if we want to. But we no longer experience what is painful purely as pain. As we become more accepting, the pain grows, and the more intense it is, the more vitality, consciousness and beauty our relationship to it has.

Death is a Mystery

There’s an aspect that has to do with training, training the awareness and the heart so that it can withstand the level of intensity and energy that an experience can have.

Otherwise it’s too hot, you can’t touch it, but with some practice you can touch something no matter how hot it is. It’s a bit of an acquired taste.

When this happens you start to see the difference between the experiencer and the experienced. So the experience is a form of pain, but the experiencer, which is also what you are, realizes that it is untouched by the experience. In a way it is like consciously approaching death.

The fear drops because you are in a deep sense untouched, this is a realization of truth. You can experiment with this direction as a possibility, a hypothesis to try out in life. When the fear drops, that which was experienced as pain or horrible, is allowed to pierce through the heart and rise freely into awareness. Through the heart pain is experienced as something you can love, something that is also love itself.

Awareness can now fully allow this energy of pain and know it deeply, intimately as itself. Through awareness it can be seen as beautiful, and this circles back to unspeakable truth, the truth of its beauty, beautiful from the perspective of reality.


Accepting Love - Part 2


Accepting Love - Part 4