
A Meditation on Beingness, Our True Longing.

Spontaneous guided meditation with soundscape background.

December 7th 2022

What we're looking for is to see and know reality,

Rather than our beliefs and interpretations about reality.

Reality is.

Beingness is.

Consciousness is.

It's not here or there,

There is no ‘it wasn't and then it is’,

Or ‘it is and then it won't be’.

Nothing other than consciousness is.

One substance, beingness.

It can be still,

It can be transparent,

It can be dark and light,

It can paint thoughts,

Take the shape of sensations.

The body appears in beingness, thoughts appear.

Movement appears.

Nothing is in any particular way.

Nothing to find, nothing to get, nothing to become.

You are that already.

It is literal.

Any search to become is a movement away.

Yet this movement cannot take you anywhere

Other than where you are already.

The infinite space we call the universe,

Is an appearance of sensations,

Sounds and sights,

Thoughts and feelings.

Everything that you are experiencing.

Is infinite space always.

Every contraction caused by fear, pain.

Happening in infinite spaciousness.

Any sense of a struggling self.

Uncomfortable, afraid, anxious, tense.

Needing, desiring, resisting.

It's all happening in infinite spaciousness.

At any time no matter what is happening.

At any moment no matter what you are feeling,

Thinking, experiencing,

Nothing needs to change

For there to be infinite spaciousness.

That is guaranteed.

Always present.


Any sense that it is unavailable, lost, gone, forgotten.

That is a thought, a belief, a sensation happening in infinite spaciousness.

Any sense of an I.

A limited self, a contracted I.

Is just the sense of an I or a self happening in infinite spaciousness.

The subject that experiences is infinite spaciousness.

In this spaciousness there is no inside or outside.

Everything we see appears in the same space as every thought.

Every image, every sound,

Every breath, every bodily sensation,

Appears in the same space as the stars.

Every memory, desire, contraction,

Appears in the same infinite space as the whales in the ocean.

Every fear, belief, sound, every desire.

Appears in the same infinite space as everything else.

Nothing can be split.

It is like water in an infinite ocean.

The substance of reality.

Everything you are.

Everything you experience.

Everything, that everything is made of,

The reality of everyone, what everyone is,

What everyone experiences,

All creatures, plants,

One indivisible substance,

Like water in an infinite ocean.

That looking, experiencing, being, feeling.

It's happening everywhere.

To know reality,

Is to know you can't know anything about it.

Absolutely mysterious.

Always perfectly new, unique.

Mystery in movement.

Illusion comes when we choose to overlook,

And turn this mystery into reality and I.

There can be no such thing,

There can only be reality or I.

There's no room for reality and I.

Only when we imagine and split,

The infinite ocean of consciousness,

There is reality and I.

The only way to live in that universe,

Is in the imagination.

Who are you without the imagined world of reality and I?


Cat Meditation: Discerning Direct vs Reflected Experiencing